to the Sierra Peaks Section
A varied schedule of
climbing activities is
offered during the climbing
season. SPS Introductory
Trips are offered for
beginning climbers and
WTC graduates. A good
sample of our trips can
be found in the SPS Climbing
Archives on this site.
A Sierra
Peaks Slide Show containing
61 mages has been developed
to provide visitors
to our site an understanding
and appreciation of
Sierra Peak Section
activities and the
Sierra Nevada of California. The
slide show format and
images were kindly
provided by Reiner
Stenzel. You
are encouraged to submit
photos from your recent
outings to the Sierra
Nevada for inclusion
in the Slide Show.
order to participate
in an SPS outing, a waiver
must be signed by each
participant at the trail-head.
This waiver is part of
the sign-in sheet. A
schedule of our activities
can be found on this
site, in our newsletter,
the Sierra Echo, and in
the Angeles Chapter Schedule
of Activities.
Your Own SPS T-Shirt!
They come with a picture
of North Palisade on
the front and the entire
SPS list by geographic
area, with Mountaineers
and Emblem Peaks easily
identified on the back.
T-Shirts come in Medium,
Large and Extra Large.
Colors are sand, ash
and yellow (medium only).
Cost is $12.00 plus $3.50
shipping for one T-Shirt
or $4.00 for two T-Shirts
per order. Check with Patty
Kline for instructions
on how to order your
shirt by mail. They are
available for purchase
at the annual SPS Banquet.