Sierra Echo
The Sierra
Echo is the official
newsletter of the Sierra
Peaks Section and
issued four times a
year every calender
quarter. It contains:- Editorial
comment from
the Management
- Listings
of upcoming
- News on training
and technical
- New Emblem
- Letters from our readers
- Book reviews
- Committee
- Reports on SPS trips and some
private trips
- Climbing
insurance updates
- Membership
- Restaurant
- Other articles
of interest
to our membership
You need not be an SPS
or a Sierra Club member
to subscribe to the Sierra
Echo. Just send
your name and address
and $10.00 to the Section
Treasurer. New subscriptions or applications received
after October 1st are
credited for the subsequent
year. Most members and subscribers now receive the Sierra
Echo as the full color electonic edition. You are also welcome to support the Section with a Sustaining Subscrption for $25.00 per year.
Please send materials
for publication in The
Sierra Echo to the Echo
Editor. Please contact
the Editor for infoermation
about the appropriate
electronic format in
which to submit written
material and images for
Please send address
changes to the Section
Secretary. To those subscribers who have specified that they do not wish to receive the the Sierra
Echo in electronic format, it is mailed via
3rd class mail and
will not be forwarded
by the post office (sustaining
hard copy subscribers receive it via
first class postage). |